Thursday, July 24, 2008

10 Favorite Italian Artists Profile: Michelangelo

Art Guy in Jeans digs on Michelangelo. "David" wiped away the old version of beauty in the eyes of man and put a new one in its place.

80 years between Pietas but Art Guy still can't decide which one he likes more. All he can say is Casa Buonarroti has those marvelous torsos in relief that he couldn't envision any other way. This stuff is idealized, yes, and that's what's so great.

But seriously, let's talk about Capella Medici, since we've been avoiding it.'s awesome. Okay, so the women look a little manly. According to Michelangelo, they look better that way, and Art Guy in Jeans suggests we let the man with the chisel do his thing since sculpting in marble is a good way to break your back if you hit it the wrong way. Can it really be possible that a space works so well together? So well proportioned, architecturally and sculpturally. The space is intimate and monumental at the same time, a near impossible, and our hero emphasizes, a near impossible feat.

But what about that Sistine Chapel - Art Guy in Jeans was hoping you'd ask! Remarkable, yes. Awesome, yes. Biblical, yes. Orangish, no. I think we should do whatever is in our power to restore the original colors of artwork, which has so graciously been done to the Sistine Chapel Ceiling. So all those scholars whose Michelangelo/colorism dissertations took for granted the orangishness of the Sistine Chapel Ceiling, Art Guy in Jeans wants you to go and rewrite it all. All of it. Until it's correct.

Our hero also thinks we should remove the painted pants and t-shirts of the Last Judgment. They should all be gone. Art Guy in Jeans wants naked men to spill down into the chapel like a waterfall of flesh. Imagine how much more intense the emotions would be. Our hero likes Mike.

Bacchus = awesome. Piazza Campidoglio = awesome. Doni Madonna = awesome. Santo Spirito Crucifix = awesome. For more information, consult Art Guy in Jeans' favorite partner blog,

Michelangelo and Nutella

There is a glorious tribute on this page, a tribute the likes of which Art Guy in Jeans will some day return to the creator of the Michelangelo and Nutella blog, an artist with as capable a hand and as fiery a passion as Mike himself. The one and only Alyssa Giangregorio, esteemed BFF of Michelangelo and actual BFF in past life.

Art Guy in Jeans wants you to rest on what you have learned. When you have fully researched and observed the glory of Michelangelo, it may be time to view the Duccio profile - but not until you're ready to be open minded, or it's wasted on you.

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